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Comprehensive Masterplan

A copy of the revised Comprehensive Masterplan (November 2024) is available to view below:


A report has been prepared which explains the consultation undertaken with the local community and other stakeholders as part of the preparation of the Comprehensive Masterplan.


The report summarises, and responds to, the topics of feedback received. It also explains the changes that have been made and responds to the comments where it is not considered that a change is required. A copy of this report is also available to view below:


Skerningham Comprehensive Masterplan – November 2024-1.jpg

Comprehensive Masterplan
Click on the above image to download the document

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Statement of Community Involvement 
Click on the above image to download the document

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Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Limited (‘Lichfields’) is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (registration number Z6193122). Your responses will be analysed by Lichfields on behalf of our client: Skerningham Estates Ltd. It is not envisaged that any personal data will be supplied by virtue of completion of the survey, but in the event that any personal data is supplied, it will be disregarded and deleted without undue delay. Responses to this consultation may be made publicly available.

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