The Skerningham allocation is a 487 hectare site located to the north of Darlington. It will adjoin the existing communities at Beaumont Hill, Whinfield and Great Burdon. Barmpton Village is also located close to the north eastern edge of the site. The East Coast Mainline also runs through the western part of the site.
The site is allocated for the delivery of up to 4,500 dwellings to be delivered with supporting infrastructure and facilities (as detailed in Policy H 10 a to i). However, as a result of the Golf Club’s decision to remain, the capacity of Skerningham is around 3,700 new homes.
Banks Property is the lead developer for the land on the western part of the allocation, which includes land adjacent to the A167 and west of the East Coast Mainline. Policy H 10 identifies the delivery of 600 dwellings on this part of the allocation during the plan period.
Skerningham Estates Ltd is the lead developer for the land on the east of the East Coast Mainline. Policy H 10 identifies 1,050 dwellings to be delivered during the plan period with initial phases located on land adjoining Barmpton Lane.
The remaining dwellings are expected to be delivered post 2036, beyond the current Local Plan period.
Site Location Plan
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